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21.11.1908 at 15:00 Clarence Park

Attendance : 500

St Albans City

2 - 0


Referee : Herts County League

Tommy Walker
Tommy Walker
Opening squads
J. Blatch
Harry Davis
Eddie Anderson
Charles Patrick
George Price
H. Chapman
Tommy Walker
Walter Weston
Victor Bourdon
Leslie Hosier
Tom Noel
None. None
Yellow cards
None. None
Red cards
None. None
Match report
It was with some misgivings as to the result of the match that the St Albans City Supporters wended their steps to the Clarence Park on Saturday to see the home team meet Redbourn and when Noel lost the toss and the visitors got away, it certainly looked as though the prognostications of the pessimistic patrons would be realised. The Saints, however, upon finding that they would have to go all the way to win, immediately played up and but for a slight weakness in the forward line St Albans would have had more than two goals to their credit.
The Redbourn team played a good game, but the play of Squires in the forward line was none too “clean”, he being rather too ready to foul if he could not beat his man by fair means. Redbourn possess one of the finest pairs of backs in the county and they played extremely well on Saturday. Bradshaw is one of the backs in this junior team and will in time make a splendid player, either among the forwards or at full back. The halves followed the forwards up very nicely and I would like to see the St Albans half-backs do the same, although a great improvement is manifest during the past two or three weeks.
For the homesters all the team played well and with a little more combination should give a good account of itself. Weston, the new man, played a grand game, although he was starved practically throughout the match. Hosier, too, received very few passes and this should be remedied at once. Walker and Anderson played well, although the latter player was rather slow in getting away and did not feed his wing man. The halves were much better than usual, but Chapman should get rid of the ball quicker. Davis is gradually getting back to his old form and George Price played splendidly through out the game. The backs were as good as ever and Blatch in goal effected some magnificent saves.

Reprinted from “The Herts Advertiser and St Albans Times” 28th November 1908.