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25.09.1909 at 15:00 Clarence Park

Attendance : 781

St Albans City

2 - 2


Referee : Herts Charity Cup 1st Round

George Butcher
George Butcher
Opening squads
Herbert Smith
Harry Davis
Charles Patrick
Jack Richardson
George Price
Jack Squires
Fred "Tiny" Fayers
George Butcher
T. Catlin
Tommy Walker
Leslie Hosier
None. None
Yellow cards
None. None
Red cards
None. None
Match report
Albanians felt a keen sense of disappointment as they left Clarence Park on Saturday afternoon after witnessing the Herts Charity Cup tie between the City and Apsley. There was disappointment in the fact that the City had not come up to their form of the previous week and that they had only made a draw of the game, but the greatest disappointment was in that they had finished really better than they deserved. Candidly, Apsley proved themselves the better team on the day’s game, but one imagines there would not have have been such a favourable report of them had it not been an “off day” for the City.
One or two reasons can be given for the failure of the City to come out top dog. First was the state of the weather. St Albans teams have ever, and the City have ever, been at their best on a dry, hard ground and the latter part of Saturday’s match was played in rain and the ground had been sodden by previous downfalls. While this was a handicap for City, it was not so to Apsley or at least not to such an extent as with the City. Apsley’s ground was, as children say when describing an island, “a piece of land with water all round.” We have heard players say that on occasions this ground has water all over too, but we cannot vouch for this.
Then there was the fact that the City were unable to be at full strength. Reynolds is giving such a good account of himself with Barnet Alston that the latter demand his services to the loss of St Albans, who have second choice. Webb, who was one of the chief stays for City lat week, was unable to play on account of a strained thigh and his absence was noticeable. Davis, though he works hard and creditably, falls far short of Webb ay right back. It is not his proper position and really is too much for him. Patrick was again below par and one hopes for a speedy recovery to his old form. Of course, the team was strengthened considerably by the inclusion of “Tiny” Fayers, the Watford half. “Tiny,” though not perfect, gave a delightful exhibition and put in no end of useful work. His style was quite new to Clarence Park.
Taken as a whole, however, the City team seemed lacking in unity and understanding, though the forwards showed a pleasing leaning to the necessary “oneness.” Webb will be able to turn out against the Alston on Saturday and, with Davis taking the place of Fayers, the team will probably be as against Apsley. Given suitable weather and a cheering crowd, the Albanians hope to give a good account of themselves.

The teams were :-
St Albans City : Smith; Davis and Patrick; Price, Fayers and Squires; Hosier, Butcher, Catlin, Walker
and Richardson
Goalscorer – Butcher(2).
Apsley : Dawse; King and Bates; Lee, Kempster and Hitchcock; Day, Hayes, Freed, Kingham and
Goalscorer – Kingham(2)

While on the subject of crowds, it is pleasing to record an increasing amount of support to the City in the matter of spectators. Over fifteen guineas more has been taken at Clarence Park this month than in September of last year. Last Saturday 781 persons paid for admission, including 184 boys, and of the £9 13s 4d taken £4 7s will go to Herts Charities. The good lining of spectators round the ropes at Clarence Park was a pleasing feature, but one is struck at times of excitement with the competitive quietness of the said spectators.

Reprinted from the "The St Albans Post" 29th September 1909.