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03.04.1913 at 19:45 Clarence Park

Attendance :

Sutton Court

0 - 5

St Albans City

Referee : Spartan League

None W. Marsh
Billy Clark
Billy Clark
W. Marsh
George Meagher
Opening squads
Jack Hillier
Fred Palmer
George Meagher
William Figg
Archie Michell
W. Marsh
Billy Clark
Jimmy Brandham
Herbert Smith
Leslie Hosier
Arthur Wiggs
None None.
Yellow cards
None None.
Red cards
None None.
Match report

Jack Hillier
Although Sutton Court were only able to field ten players and a strong wind at times played antics with the ball, a good game was witnessed at Clarence Park on Thursday evening, the visitors playing well enough to suggest that with a full eleven they would have run the City very close.
The home club was unable to call upon the services of several of it’s regular players, but so well did the chosen eleven shape that Grimsdell, Hearn, Edmonds, Hammond etc. were not missed.
The forwards especially did well together, passing with skill and judgement. Marsh, with his dashing methods and sure shooting, was a success at centre-forward while Figg and Hillier,(1) who appeared at left half and left back respectively, displayed promising form.
Meagher partnered Clark and showed a good knowledge of a forward’s duties.

Reprinted from “The Herts Advertiser and St Albans Times” 11th April 1913.

1 Jack Hillier was killed during the Great War on 22nd October 1918. He was 25 years of age and is commemorated on the Kantara War Memorial Cemetery, Egypt.
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