Move to:
Matt Pooley
Born: 09/10/1991 ,
Right-back who joined the Saints during the summer of 2011. A former Dagenham youngster he has also spent some time with the Glenn Hoddle Academy when it was based in Spain.

Change player:
Matt Pooley's playing record
Season Started. Used Sub. Goals Yellows Reds
Season 2011-12 6 0 1 2 0
Total 6 0 1 2 0
By season | In opening squad | Substituted in | Goals | Yellow cards | Red cards

Matt Pooley's full debut
13.08.2011 at 15:00 Evo-Stik League Southern Premier Division H Cirencester Town 4 - 1

Latest opening squad appearances (max.10)Matt Pooley started
03.09.2011 at 15:00 Evo-Stik League Southern Premier Division A Swindon Supermarine 1 - 2
29.08.2011 at 15:00 Evo-Stik League Southern Premier Division H Hemel Hempstead Town 2 - 1
23.08.2011 at 19:45 Evo-Stik League Southern Premier Division H Hitchin Town 4 - 4
20.08.2011 at 15:00 Evo-Stik League Southern Premier Division A Barwell 1 - 0
16.08.2011 at 19:45 Evo-Stik League Southern Premier Division A Cambridge City 0 - 4

Latest matches where player has scored one or more goals (max. 10)Matt Pooley scored
23.08.2011 at 19:45 Evo-Stik League Southern Premier Division H Hitchin Town 4 - 4