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Rhys Hoenes
Born: 17/01/1992 , Stevenage
Rhys signed for the Saints in June 2016. The speedy winger signed following a successful season at Royston Town FC where he won an amazing total of 24 penalties.

Change player:
Rhys Hoenes's playing record
Season Started. Used Sub. Goals Yellows Reds
Season 2016-17 2 10 1 2 0
Total 2 10 1 2 0
By season | In opening squad | Substituted in | Goals | Yellow cards | Red cards

Rhys Hoenes's full debut
02.08.2016 at 15:00 Herts Charity Cup / 1st Round A Ware 2 - 1

Latest opening squad appearances (max.10)Rhys Hoenes started
31.10.2016 at 19:45 Herts Senior Cup / 1st Round H London Colney 2 - 1
02.08.2016 at 15:00 Herts Charity Cup / 1st Round A Ware 2 - 1

Latest matches where player has scored one or more goals (max. 10)Rhys Hoenes scored
02.08.2016 at 15:00 Herts Charity Cup / 1st Round A Ware 2 - 1