Move to:
Phillip Chinedu
Born: 05/10/2006 ,
Defender who was a product of the Blackburn Rovers Academy. Signed for Leyton Orient in 2023 and joined The Saints on a months loan in August 2024.

Change player:
Phillip Chinedu's playing record
Season Started. Used Sub. Goals Yellows Reds
Season 2024-25 16 1 0 2 0
Total 16 1 0 2 0
By season | In opening squad | Substituted in | Goals | Yellow cards | Red cards

Phillip Chinedu's full debut
31.08.2024 at 15:00 National League South A Farnborough 0 - 1

Latest opening squad appearances (max.10)Phillip Chinedu started
04.01.2025 at 15:00 National League South A Eastbourne Borough 0 - 1
01.01.2025 at 15:00 National League South H Enfield Town 2 - 1
21.12.2024 at 15:00 National League South H Truro City 1 - 2
14.12.2024 at 15:00 National League South A Worthing 1 - 1
25.11.2024 at 19:45 National League South A Aveley 3 - 6