Move to:
Tommy Langley
Born: 08/02/1958 ,
Striker who played 142 times for Chelsea in the late 1970's before joining QPR and then Crystal Palace. Played for a number of clubs in the 1980's before being signed by John Mitchell in October 1991. Made just 5 appearances for the Saints before being sold to Basingstoke Town for £1,500.

Change player:
Tommy Langley's playing record
Season Started. Used Sub. Goals Yellows Reds
Season 1991-92 4 1 1 0 0
Total 4 1 1 0 0
By season | In opening squad | Substituted in | Goals | Yellow cards | Red cards

Tommy Langley's full debut
26.10.1991 at 15:00 Diadora Premier League H Woking 1 - 1

Latest opening squad appearances (max.10)Tommy Langley started
12.11.1991 at 19:30 League Cup / 2nd Round H Bromley 4 - 1
09.11.1991 at 15:00 Diadora Premier League A Sutton United 3 - 2
02.11.1991 at 15:00 Diadora Premier League H Windsor & Eton 1 - 2
26.10.1991 at 15:00 Diadora Premier League H Woking 1 - 1

Latest matches where player has scored one or more goals (max. 10)Tommy Langley scored
12.11.1991 at 19:30 League Cup / 2nd Round H Bromley 4 - 1